• Mobilier Magazin

    Optica Medicala

  • Mobilier Magazin/ Store Furniture

    Leroy Merlin

  • Stand Expo/ Expo Booth

    RGB LED Clouds

Some fun facts

Proiecte finalizate
Standuri expozitionale
m2 imprimati de carton, autocolant, PVC Foam

What we do


After tens of thousands of hours spent designing, producing and implementing, we took the creativity from ATL and tried to bring it to BTL and Production segment. Steel, wood, PMMA, Carbon Fiber, Epoxy resin… you name it, we worked with any material that you can think of and we always tried to find the best way to use them. We like to work with materials that are ecofriendly, and every project is designed to include recycled/ recyclable materials or reusable elements so that our impact on the planet is minimized.

  • Print Design

    Autocolant/ Canvas/ Tapet/ Hartie /PVC

    Executam inhouse proiectele de print, astfel putem oferii clientilor nostrii calitate si acuratetea culorilor. Imprimanta pe care o folosim foloseste un cap DX7 iar cerneala este ecosolvent. Pentru ca nu suntem focusati pe productie de serie oferim printurile la o calitate de 720 dpi si 1440 dpi, astfel incat toate printurile ies perfect.

  • Productie

    Metal / Lemn / PMMA / Autocolant / Bond

    Astea sunt materialele cu care lucram zi de zi. Intelegem ca fiecare proiect trebuie sa fie conform specificarilor, special si unic, ca atare incercam sa imbinam aceste materiale in functie de necesitatea lui.

  • Design

    Photoshop / Illustrator / Corel Draw / 3Ds max

    Fiecare proiect este diferit astfel am invatat sa folosim cele mai bune software-uri din domeniu..

Cine suntem

Despre Noi

office @ outdoorindoor.ro
Soseaua Iancului, No. 48, Bucharest, Romania